Interested in becoming Catholic?

Order of Christian Initiation for Adults

The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, or OCIA, is meant for those adults who are not yet fully initiated Christians who are considering the Catholic faith and becoming Catholic.

At Holy Rosary, we welcome those who are interested in becoming Catholic and strive to provide a robust and in depth presentation of the Catholic faith to answer all your burning questions. However, the purpose of OCIA is not solely intellectual formation, rather, the purpose is becoming a disciple of Christ and a member of His mystical body. Therefore, we will also spend time living out the Christian call to charitable service by engaging in parish community events and participating in service projects to serve those in need.

In aiming to transform those interested into disciples of Christ, this OCIA program strives to form both the mind and heart, the intellect and will, and aid in one’s lifelong conversion to Christ.

Order of Christian Initiation for Children

The Order of Christian Initiation for Children (OCIC) is intended for children, not baptized as infants, who have attained the use of reason and are of catechetical age (7 years of age). For children who have been baptized but have not had any further catechesis, the Order of Christian Initiation is the appropriate path for the child to become fully initiated into the Church. For more info, please contact Sister Theresa at

Would you like to begin the process?

Contact Lucas Nino:
(713) 529-4854, ext. 105

Let’s Begin!

OCIA begins on Sunday, September 8, 2024. To register, please fill out the registration form on the link below and send it to Lucas Nino at or call (713) 529-4854 ext. 105.

To register your child, please fill out the registration form on the link below and send it to Sister Theresa at
